LinkedIn Could be Entertaining

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

LinkedIn is known as a business-oriented social networking site. I’ve been an active user since 2005, and I loved it. I’ve been basic user paying not even a penny to LinkedIn and I am enormously grateful for what LinkedIn brought to me.

You would think it is a network for people with suits and there would be no clowning around. Until today. I opened it up and clicked on the link in my favorite area: “Who's Viewed Your Profile?”


For a brief moment, my heart beat went faster by a couple of notches when I saw “Founder at Google” on top of the list. I almost felt all this time I spent over the last week or two working hard on my AlphaMobs idea is paying off, just a little bit too quickly--- Google founder was looking at my profile on LinkedIn!

Wait a minute, even though I am a reasonably optimistic person, I firmly believe that if anything is too good to be true, it must not be true.  Over the years, I got to know myself really well. I applied for a developer position at Google 10 years back when I was still in graduate school and got declined, and I managed to develop a career in around business intelligence and cloud services later on elsewhere. I had numerous pipe dreams about retiring early some day one way or another. Recently I’ve been fiddling with this idea of providing a tool set for individual investors to succeed in the equity markets. And I got admitted to this wonderful program at Founder Institute.  But, but, would this be enough to attract attention from the likes of Larry Page and Sergey Brin?

It has to be a bug somewhere. My engineering sense kicked in and I decided to find out what is really going on. Stay tuned.


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